
Change Log

Major updates and new features to this project will be listed in this document.

April 8, 2022

August 3, 2021

August 31, 2020

July 15, 2020

note: API changes from this update are intended to be backwards-compatible, so previous code should still run.

Thanks to everyone from the forums and GitHub who helped to test these updates in advance!

October 3, 2019

Dataset Resolution CLI Argument Accuracy Jetson Nano Jetson Xavier
Cityscapes 512x256 fcn-resnet18-cityscapes-512x256 83.3% 48 FPS 480 FPS
Cityscapes 1024x512 fcn-resnet18-cityscapes-1024x512 87.3% 12 FPS 175 FPS
Cityscapes 2048x1024 fcn-resnet18-cityscapes-2048x1024 89.6% 3 FPS 47 FPS
DeepScene 576x320 fcn-resnet18-deepscene-576x320 96.4% 26 FPS 360 FPS
DeepScene 864x480 fcn-resnet18-deepscene-864x480 96.9% 14 FPS 190 FPS
Multi-Human 512x320 fcn-resnet18-mhp-512x320 86.5% 34 FPS 370 FPS
Multi-Human 640x360 fcn-resnet18-mhp-512x320 87.1% 23 FPS 325 FPS
Pascal VOC 320x320 fcn-resnet18-voc-320x320 85.9% 45 FPS 508 FPS
Pascal VOC 512x320 fcn-resnet18-voc-512x320 88.5% 34 FPS 375 FPS
SUN RGB-D 512x400 fcn-resnet18-sun-512x400 64.3% 28 FPS 340 FPS
SUN RGB-D 640x512 fcn-resnet18-sun-640x512 65.1% 17 FPS 224 FPS

July 19, 2019


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